Personal Loans For Just About Anything

Money When You Need It Most

Qualified borrowers can get a cash loan up to $30,00010 with no collateral and can be used for any occasion.

Home Improvements

Complete those much needed home repairs or start that long awaited home project.

Debt Consolidation

Save money by consolidating high interest credit card debt into a low interest loan.


We all need to get away once in a while. Take you or your family on a much needed vacation.

New Computer

Keep up with technology and get the tools you need to succeed with a new computer.

Competitive Rates

R.I.A. Federal Credit Union is proud to offer extremely competitive rates10 with flexible payment terms.
Rates as low as 11.25%
Loan TypeTermAPR
Personal Loan Greater than $5,000Up to 48 Months11.25%10
Holiday Loan12 Months9.25%20

Calculate My Payments

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Loan Summary

Loan Amount: $
Term: Months
Rate: %
Monthly Payment: $
Total Interest Paid: $

Want to See More?

Enter your email below to receive a full breakdown of your loan including a full amortization schedule based on the information provided.

Please enter a number from 0 to 100.

Personal Loans Made Easy

We’ve worked hard to streamline our loan application process making it quick and easy to understand.

Quick Application

Complete our online application in 15 minutes and get an instant decision.

No Collateral

Our personal loans do not require you to put up any collateral to secure the loan.

No Early Payment Fees

Want to pay off your loan early? No problem — you will not incur any early payment penalties.

Flexible Terms

Our flexible loan terms allow you to pay off your loan on a schedule that works best for you.

Personal Loan FAQ

You have questions. We have answers. See below for a list of our most frequently asked personal loan questions.

Can I use a personal loan for anything?

While personal loans can be used for many reasons, they do require a lending purpose and have certain restrictions. For more detailed information contact our customer service team at 800-742-2848.

How long does it take to get a personal loan?

For your convenience, we offer same day decisions on personal loan applications in most cases. For more details on personal loans contact our customer service team at 800-742-2848.

Do I need to be a member to apply for a loan?

Membership is not required to apply for a loan with R.I.A. Federal Credit Union. However, you will need to become a member to finalize the loan. When you open an account with us you become a member of our credit union.


10. Personal Loans

    • Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change and may vary based on creditworthiness and qualifications.
    • Loans are subject to credit approval. Restrictions may apply.
    • APR is Annual Percentage Rate. Rate is fixed (non-variable). This offer is for new money only, no internal refinances. 11.25% APR. Limited time offer based on capacity to repay. Personal loan example: 48 monthly payments of $25.97 per $1,000 borrowed at 11.25% APR. All loans are subject to approval.
    • See Rates and Fees Schedule

20. Holiday Loans

      • Rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change and may vary based on creditworthiness and qualifications.
      • Loans are subject to credit approval. Restrictions may apply.
      • APR is Annual Percentage Rate. Rate is fixed (non-variable). Offer is a signature loan from $500 to $5,000 for a maximum term of 12 months. Loan proceeds must be new money. Up to $500 roll in of a current RIAFCU loan balance to pay off a current loan. Limited time offer based on capacity to repay. Personal loan example: 12 monthly payments of $87.57 per $1,000 borrowed at 9.25% APR. All loans are subject to approval.

    Still Have Questions?

    Get Started

    Ready to take on that next project? Get started by applying for a personal loan with R.I.A. today.